Tuesday, May 19, 2009

building progress

I am farther along than these pictures show but here they are! The garden is 13 feet wide and 25 feet long. Not nearly big enough for real veggie growing (potatoes, winter squash, a walk in hoop greenhouse)....it will do for now until I win the lottery and can buy my land by the sea and build my large walled garden.

Much left to do. Need to build gate #2, finish installing the last 2 rails and staple the green plastic fence to the inside. I wonder if that will be a mistake. Wrestling with wire does'nt sound like fun. The green plastic fencing can be trimmed with scissors and, well it's green. But it will probably look like heck after a year or two. It must do for now.

There is also a plan for a lavender garden in front. I'll be seeding annual wildflowers too. Already put a New England annual/perennial mix in a small patch in the back garden. I'll be breaking out the flame weeder (maybe tonight) to torch the crab grass in that bare spot in the front yard. It needs liming methinks, big strange pines grew there. I really want to partake of the bounty of summer. With this dreary economy I know we can all use bounty. Wildflowers can help!

In looking after my karma I gave away 8 big tomato starts (extra). Found out a neighbor down the road had a baby so planning on bringing down a (used but LOVELY) baby sweater. I don't want to have a soul the size of a nut (Anyone read The Education of Little Tree?). Blessings to all!

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