Wednesday, November 08, 2006

November 8th 2006

I've been wanting to create a blog for a while to share and express my various passions. At present this amounts to a fiber obsession in the form of knitting. Mom taught me to knit, I think I was a young teen. It never took off as an obsession until the last few years. Well, the details of my particular existance can wait. Here are some photos.

My grandmother's cedar chest holds much of my yarn stash. Found some plain undyed Dale Helios and another skein of natural wool.

What I found to dye, Dale Helios. The Candide will be for another time:

Vinegar soak:

Tumeric, waaaay concentrated and Hibiscus tea on the right:

I also used black walnut powder to create a brown dye. No picture.

Results, tumeric on the left was a vibrant saffron yellow. I ended up tossing the rest of the tumeric dye in with the black walnut (right). Result is an alpaca brown. Better daylight pictures are needed. Hibiscus tea was turning out a pretty beige. I added 1/4 bottle red wine to the dye bath and decided to let it sit. I'll either get a darker shade or wooly wine.


  1. Turmeric! What a great idea! It turns all of our dishes yellow, so how about using it for yarn? I love the color it came out; I can't wait to try that one.

  2. Hmmm...yeah I had the same effect with hibiscus tea. Well actually you can just buy the straight up dried hibiscus down here. I didn't have any wine on hand to darken it up!

    But I love the turmeric idea!!!!
